Christmas appeal blesses local families

Community News

10 January 2017.

The 2016 Anglicare Christmas Appeal made an incredible impact in thousands of lives across the region. Donations from generous supporters meant that hundreds of food hampers and toys were given out to children and families in need – giving them a brighter Christmas and a helping hand at a time of year that can be tough.



Thank you to all our supporters who gave financially to give the gift of HOPE this Christmas. Your generosity exceeded our expectations! You donated $50,000 to help our most vulnerable people in our communities. Anglicare can now provide more Emergency Relief to those in desperate need as well as ongoing support through our Survive and Thrive Hubs, so that those who are struggling can have a brighter 2017 and beyond.

These items help people like Melanie. Before receiving help from Anglicare, Melanie spent Christmas pregnant and living in a tent. This year she celebrated in her own home with her children and partner.

“It it wasn’t for Anglicare, we wouldn’t be okay… Now I feel safe. We are living in a nice neighbourhood where I feel the kids are not at risk… I feel stable.” – Melanie



Thanks to a fantastic partnership with ABC radio in Canberra, and with the help of individuals,  parishes and organisations across the community, over 4000 food items and 200 bags of toys were also donated! ABC hosted their Sunday Brunch radio show during the Wrap Up event from the lawns of St John’s Care, one of Anglicare’s primary food relief centres. Hampers were packed by staff and volunteers during the broadcast.

Lish from ABC Canberra interviews Anglicare CEO Jeremy Halcrow



Santa visited Goulburn in a ute! During the annual Goulburn Children’s Christmas Party scores of children from across Anglicare’s various services (including Early Learning Centres, Foster Care, Disability Services and Housing Services) met Santa and celebrated an early Christmas Goulburn-style!

A record-breaking 1000 toys were donated by members of St Saviours Cathedral, F5 church and Christ Church West Goulburn as well as other community members, to bless children at Christmas. Toys were distributed to local families in the lead up to Christmas.



Students and parents from the Riverina Anglican College generously donated food and toys to Anglicare. Food hampers and toys were delivered to families across the region.

Anglicare manager Brad Addison (centre) with helpers from Riverina Anglican College


Also, young people in residential care got into the festive spirit as they and their support workers baked gingerbread houses in preparation for Christmas.

Young people try out their gingerbread baking skills