You can make a difference
in a young person's life.

Specialised foster carers urgently needed.

We are seeking specialised foster carers to provide 24 hour home-based care to children and young people with complex care needs.

This type of specialised foster care is known in the sector as Therapeutic Home Based Care (THBC). It involves one-on-one home based care for children and young people over 12 years old who have complex care needs.

These children and young people require therapeutic care and more extensive supports than children in general foster care placements.

Anglicare works together with THBC carers to provide a safe and stable home environment, therapeutic care and support at a crucial time in the child or young person’s life.

You can partner with us in our commitment to see all children and young people hope, heal and thrive.


Therapeutic Home Based Care (THBC) is one-on-one home based care for children and young people over 12 years of age who have complex care needs.

THBC carers provide 24 hour home based care in their own home or in a home maintained by Anglicare. They are also supported by a team of professionals to provide therapeutic supports to the child or young person in their care.

THBC care roles are most suited to individuals or couples who have qualifications or experience in fields such as community services, mental health services, nursing, teaching or youth services.

THBC carers receive a generous tax free allowance to support them in their full time caring role.


As a THBC Carer you need to be able to:

  • provide a safe and nurturing home environment for a young person over 12 years old
  • have a passion for empowering and supporting children/young people who have complex care needs
  • THBC carers may be an individual or a couple (where one person is available full time), this includes kinship carers.
  • have qualifications and experiences in fields such as community services, mental health, youth services, social services, teaching, nursing or another relevant field
  • be available full time to accomodate the needs of the child or young person in their care. Carers may be employed but it must be flexible (eg work from home)


  • a generous tax free allowance (plus incidentals)
  • comprehensive training
  • on-call support by Anglicare
  • work alongside a team of professionals to support the carer in their role
  • regular respite

Anglicare is also a service provider of Therapeutic Sibling Option Placement (TSOP) which is similar to THBC but involves groups of 3 or more siblings/related children where at least one of the children or young people has complex care needs.

Click the icons below for information on both of these roles.


Intensive Therapeutic Care (ITC) is a service system that helps children and young people who are recovering from the most severe forms of trauma, neglect, abuse or adversity.

ITC is for children and young people over 12 years with complex needs who are either unable to be supported in foster care or require specialised and intensive supports to maintain stability in their care arrangements.

Therapeutic Home Based Care (THBC) is one type of ITC offered by Anglicare.

Therapeutic Home Based Care (THBC) is a tailored and flexible placement option for young people with complex care needs. THBC incorporates a team from Anglicare who come alongside a THBC carer to provide therapeutic services for the young person in care.

THBC Carers provide 24 hour home-based care and require a qualification or experience in fields relating to community services, mental health, nursing, youth services or similar.

THBC Carers receive a generous tax-free allowance for their full-time care role.

Therapeutic Sibling Option Placement (TSOP) is a specialised foster care placement for 3 or more siblings or related children/young people where at least one child/young person has high or complex care needs.

It is similar to THBC where Carers provide 24 hour home-based care and receive a generous tax free allowance for their full time care role.

Foster care is about looking after children and young people when they are unable to remain with their own families. A foster carer becomes an integral part of the child’s life and provides a safe, secure and stable environment for these vulnerable children and young people.

ITC is for children and young people over 12 years with complex needs who are either unable to be supported in foster care or require specialised and intensive supports to maintain stability in their care arrangements.

As children and young people heal, they may move from ITC into a general foster care placement.

THBC Carers are required to have tertiary qualifications in Human Services, Youth Work, Community Services, Nursing, Teaching or other relevant experience.

In addition to receiving a generous tax free allowance, you will be supported by a Therapeutic Care Team which includes a Case Manager, Therapeutic Mentor, Youth Worker and Consultant Clinician.

You will receive fortnightly respite, comprehensive training and direct counselling support.

A Carer Assessment and Training (CART) Worker will provide a carer information pack to all potential applicants. CART worker will guide you through different steps of authorization.

To proceed, you will submit an application form for assessment. Final approval will commence after a successful completion of all components of the application, assessment and Initial training process. Once the application is approved the authorisation letter will be sent to the carers.


Please complete the form below to contact our team about the THBC positions.

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Please complete the form below to contact our team who can answer any questions you have about Therapeutic Home Based Care (THBC) or Therapeutic Sibling Option Placement (TSOP).

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Are you interested in becoming a Therapeutic Home Based Carer? Or do you have questions about THBC?

Contact our team today by submitting the contact us form below.

  • Please include Suburb/Town, State and Postcode
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

As a partnership to deliver ITC services, Anglicare and MacKillop welcome the new ITC system’s strong focus on recovery from trauma, improving safety, permanency and wellbeing outcomes, de-escalation of need, and clear pathways to less intensive service types. We also support DCJ’s commitment to reduce the volume of places in ITC over time and shift the focus towards therapeutic supports in Foster Care as well as earlier intervention to prevent escalations to ITC. We are particularly supportive of DCJ’s decision to introduce Therapeutic Home-Based Care to help achieve this policy objective.

Anglicare’s core mission is strongly aligned with the NSW Government Permanency Support Program (PSP) vision; we strengthen and support families in metropolitan and rural areas to prevent entry into care through our early intervention, disability, early childhood, and homelessness services. For families already engaged with the care system we provide targeted services that are focused on the safety, wellbeing and healing of children and young people. We are committed to finding stable and permanent family placement options, including a primary focus on restoration for children and young people, outside the statutory care system.

Our social justice imperative also drives our strong commitment to forming partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisations, in recognition of the right to self-determination, the need for ‘Closing the Gap’, and the over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in PSP (foster care).

MacKillop Family Services is also a leading provider of therapeutic support services for vulnerable children, young people and their families, particularly those who have experienced trauma and adversity. MacKillop have provided care in Victoria since 1997, NSW since 2009 and WA since 2013. MacKillop also provide a range of prevention, early intervention, family support, and family preservation and restoration services, and have a similar strong commitment to strengthening families, building parenting capacity and preventing children and young people from entering, or re-entering, the care system.